Methodologies and technology solutions for Corporates, Schools and Individuals
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We explore the Sus360° Benchmarker as a Technology Solution component of CLIMASTACK for Corporates
Easy-to-use SaaS tool for Sustainability self-assessment for Corporates
Easy-to-use SaaS tool for Sustainability self-assessment for Corporates
Stack Component
Technology Solution
People in Focus
Senior Leadership, CSO, Sustainability Head
The Sus360° Benchmarker is an easy-to-use SaaS tool for Sustainability self-assessment. It is pre-baked with 12 essential dimensions of Sustainability/ESG, each of which is industry relevant. The tool benchmarks your scores against the Indian and Global best-in-class scores, giving you clarity of your current standing on each of the 12 dimensions.
  • Personal Sus360° Benchmarker report and guidance
  • Resources to improve Sustainability Quotient, i.e. awareness and knowledge
Watch the 12 one-minute videos shared at the end of the assessment, to enhance your understanding
Build on this benchmarking assessment further through a deeper assessment on Sus360° CompassCLIMASTACK
Sus360° Benchmarker – Super-simple, All-round assessment of Corporate Sustainability in ~30mins
Easy-to-use SaaS tool for Sustainability self-assessment for Corporates
We’ve opened access to this tool for you to explore and self-assess your current position on Corporate Sustainability. If you are up for it, hit the button and get started.
If you would like to have some help from our side, we would be happy to have an expert from our team join you while you conduct the assessment, at no cost. Just drop us a message.