Methodologies and technology solutions for Corporates, Schools and Individuals
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We explore the SIAB (Sustainability in a Box) as a Methodology component of CLIMASTACK for Schools
Bundle of 4 unique learning components – Classroom Learning, Experiential Learning, Carbon Neutral Schools and Junior Green Compass +
Bundle of 4 unique learning components – Classroom Learning, Experiential Learning, Carbon Neutral Schools and Junior Green Compass +
Stack Component
People in Focus
Students (Class 5-10), Teachers, Principal
The SIAB is a complete bundle of 4 unique learning components – Classroom Learning, Experiential Learning, Carbon Neutral Schools and Junior Green Compass + . The SIAB methodology integrates Sustainability and Climate Education seamlessly into students’ learning, and makes it more fun and game-like.
  • Students acquire 21st Century Life and Learning Skills in an organic manner
  • Teacher training and capabilities building along NEP 2020 framework
  • Exclusive access to Sustainability workshops by leading experts
  • Stronger Engagement with students and staff to drive a Sustainability Culture
Active participation of teachers during the program delivery ensures success in the long run
Best value when all the 4 SIAB components are leveraged together
Sustainability in a Box is meant to be a comprehensive student-centered ecosystem. With a focus on students between Classes 5-10, it acknowledges that every student age group has a unique appetite for learning.
Bundle of 4 unique learning components – Classroom Learning, Experiential Learning, Carbon Neutral Schools and Junior Green Compass +
The design philosophy behind the SIAB considers the natural progression from Learning to Acting and Mentoring, over the course of the learning journey.
Effective Learning across ages - learning, acting and mentoring
Curated Sustainability lessons for each class – taught interactively through activities and demo workshops
Curated Sustainability lessons for each class
Hands-on experiential, nature-based learning lessons for each class, to develop a practical understanding
Hands-on experiential, nature-based learning lessons for each class
Fun and game-like learning experience through a personalized guide, journal in the JGC +
Premium solution that makes Sustainability personal, and relevant to every teacher at the school
Complement all the learning with a progression of the school campus towards a Green Campus and then to a Carbon Neutral Campus. Select appropriate projects for onsite execution from our scientifically selected list of projects.
Green projects list for adopting sustainability
Carbon removal projects for absorbing CO2 from the air
Carbon reduction projects for cutting down carbon emissions
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Methodologies and technology solutions for Corporates, Schools and Individuals